Video is exploding as we all are aware or should be. Before we think about doing it we should ask why? First of all there are only two reasons people watch video. One is for entertainment and the other is for information and that's it. Mount Lake Terrace Auto Insurance is a great example of a insurance company doing an entertainment video on information on how to get low cost insurance for your auto.
The value of doing a video like these for the auto insurance company is that they do so many they are building an audience and over time they can convert that audience into revenue. Things to think about are the length of the video, type of ad (entertainment or information), and how you want the audience to view your business image.
When your distributing your video it is important to put it on as many platforms as possible like the obvious You Tube, Hulu, AOL, Yahoo, and of course countless others. It's been well known that video content is becoming the king of kings for web content. That being said make sure you are standing on high ground when the huge wave crashes a shore.
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